Timothy Alton, MD, '15

Welcome to the Resident Spotlight!

Every month, we will try to highlight one of our very own Orthopaedic Surgery residents and get to know them a little better.

This Month, we would like to introduce:

Timothy Alton, MD, '15

Full name: 
Timothy Alton

When I was a kid my parents called me “Fathead” but now I get a lot of the Southpark reference for “Timmy.” I am not fond of either.

Where are you from and where did you attend medical school? 
I am from Oregon City, OR. I went to Oregon City High School, Willamette University in Salem OR where I played D3 football then on to Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

When did you decide to pursue Orthopaedic Surgery?
I never had an epiphany moment that medicine is what I was destined to do. I guess I just warmed up to the idea of a career in medicine because you work hard and have the opportunity to help other people when they are in need. I was originally drawn to orthopaedics because of the sports connection but have come to appreciate many different aspects of the speciality.

What attracted you to the University of Washington?
The main draw of this program is the quality of training. I am Pacific Northwest kind of guy and come from a blue collar family where hard work is valued. This program attracts people who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and put in hard work. Seattle is a great city, too.

If you had a month off to do whatever you wanted to relax, what would that be? 
I don’t “relax” well. I can only make it a day or two without having something active to do and I start to go crazy. I would take the month and travel, learn to dog sled, ski, hike, learn to sail, etc. 

What 3 things would you bring with you if you got stranded on a island for 1 month? 
My wife, waterproof matches and a freezer full of beef.

What is your favorite meal? 
Like many of my colleagues I love to eat huge meals post-call. My favorite is bacon fried in coconut oil followed by 4 eggs scrambled in the bacon/coconut grease. I add some hashbrowns, a couple of pieces of toast, a large glass of milk then fall asleep on the couch.

Who is your favorite music artist? 
Galaxy Farm (a local group out of Portland, check them out!)
Best color scrubs you have ever worn? 
Worst - Lime green is all that is worn at Wake Forest. Terrible.

What is the best advice you have received or could give to medical students pursuing Orthopaedic Surgery/Sports Medicine?
Work hard, be yourself, treat others with respect and go somewhere with people you like because you will spend more time with them than with your family.