Resident Research Travel Awards


The goal of this program is to enable residents to pursue scholarly experiences at national scientific meetings.


  • UWOSM Resident (R2-R5) 
  • Time off must comply with the Residency Time Off and Leave Policy


  • Travel must be to a national orthopaedic (or sub-specialty) or basic science meeting (e.g, AAOS, OTA, ORS).  Professional training is not eligible for a travel award.
  • Applicant must have an accepted presentation as the presenting author.
  • Meeting location must be within the continental US or Canada.
  • Maximum of 2 travel awards per resident during their residency (only 1 may be a technique award)
  • Maximum of 1 award per academic year.

Award Types

Data Presentation

  • Maximum of $2000 per trip.  Eligible costs (per UW Guidelines) include:
    • Meeting registration fee
    • Travel, Accommodation, and Per Diems
    • Poster costs

Technique (or Philosophical Viewpoint) Presentation 
Examples might include a video description of a surgical technique or participation in a panel discussion on a current topic in the field.

  • Maximum of $1000 per trip.  Eligible costs (per UW Guidelines) include:
    • Meeting registration fee
    • Travel, Accommodation, and Per Diems
    • Poster costs

Approval process

The Vice Chair for Research will review applications for compliance with guidelines.


Application Procedure

  1. Complete web-based application by clicking here.
  2. Notify Kimberlee Moomey ( once application is submitted.


Secondary Awards

Once the initial two awards are received, residents are eligible to apply for up to three additional matching awards (3:1 match from Dept and Faculty Mentor, up to a total of $2000) that will require a more detailed submission process.  This application will include a clear description of the resident’s role in leading the project, the scientific significance of the project, and the anticipated impact that attending the meeting will have on their career.  Application approval will be made at the discretion of the Chair in consultation with the Program Director and Vice Chair of Research.  Additional travel award requests exceeding 5 total (2 full + 3 matching) will be considered on an individual basis by the Chair.  Please note that this opportunity does not include attendance of AAOS as a PGY4 (i.e., the department commits to supporting attendance of up to 6 total meetings/resident), but that all resident travel must comply with the leave policy noted above.

Please contact Kim Moomey ( to request a matching travel award application.


For any additional questions regarding the resident travel awards program, please contact Kimberlee Moomey, (