Complex Elbow Fractures
Dr. Daphne Beingessner, Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, University of Washington
Dr. David Barei, Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, University of Washington
Injuries around the elbow have frustrated patients and treatment providers alike since the onset of recorded time. The elbow is an incredibly strong yet mobile joint. Fractures and ligament tears to the elbow are notoriously associated with loss of motion and pain and may result in chronic functional limitations. In this program two outstanding experts review their considerable experience in treating these injuries. Dr. Beingessner discusses injuries to the forearm side of the elbow joint while Dr. Barei discusses fractures above the elbow joint. Ranging from simple to complex fractures the principles of appropriately assessing and understanding the injuries at hand and the value of experience and exacting technique in treating these fractures is underscored in this presentation.