UW Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine faculty, staff, residents and medical students will be presenting at the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2014 Annual Meeting in New Orleans on March 15-18. The following is a selection of the papers and posters being presented by our department.
ESET Histone Methyltransferase Regulates Terminal Differentiation Of Articular Chondrocytes
Kevin A. Lawson, Colin J. Teteak, Junhui Zou, Jacques Hacquebord, Andrew Ghatan, Anna Zielinska-Kwiatkowska, Russell J. Fernandes, Howard A. Chansky, Liu Yang
The first author Kevin A. Lawson (a 4th year medical student working in the Molecular Orthopaedics Lab) has been selected as the finalist for New Investigator Recognition Award at this meeting.
ESET Histone Methyltransferase Is Required For Postnatal Development And Maintenance Of The Cruciate Ligaments
Michael J. Chen, Sean Haloman, M.D., John W. McCornack, Daniel J. Leong, Hui B. Sun, Ph.D., Howard A. Chansky, M.D., Liu Yang, Ph.D.
The first author Michael J. Chen (a 1st year medical student working in the Molecular Orthopaedics Lab) has been selected as the finalist for New Investigator Recognition Award at this meeting.
Normal and Misaligned Talonavicular Fusion Alters Cadaveric Foot Pressure and Kinematics (Paper and poster, poster selected as "Best Foot and Ankle Poster")
Elizabeth P. Wahl, William R. Ledoux, Eric C. Whittaker, Brian K. Cook, Bruce J. Sangeorzan
Transient Muscle Paralysis Predisposes Bone Marrow to Formation of Giant Osteoclasts
Brandon J. Ausk, Leah E. Worton, Dewayne Threet, Ronald Y. Kwon, Steven D. Bain, Edith M. Gardiner, Ted S. Gross
Contralateral Bone Loss Following Ipsilateral Nerve Injury: Evidence for a Neuronal Skeletome
Laura Stoll, Philippe Huber, Ronald Y. Kwon, Dewayne Threet, Ted Gross, Steven D. Bain
Chemical and Mechanical Nerve Impairment Inhibit Joint Specification and Bone Formation in the Regenerating Zebrafish Fin
Amanda C. Roof, Anthony Recidoro, Brandon J. Ausk, Sundar Srinivasan, Ted Gross, Edith M. Gardiner, Steven D. Bain, Christopher Allan, Ronald Y. Kwon
Assessment of Registration Accuracy During Computer-Aided Oncologic Limb-Salvage Surgery
Kurt E. Stoll, Jodie Miles, Jedediah K. White, Stephanie E.W. Punt, Ernest U. Conrad III, Randal P. Ching
Distinctions Between Prolyl 3-hydroxylase-1 And -2 Specificity In Musculoskeletal Type I Collagen Substrates
David Hudson, Rachel Werther, Maryann Weis, Brendan Lee, David R. Eyre
The Polymeric Collagen Phenotype in Native and Engineered Nasal Septal Cartilage
Kristen Briggs, Geoffrey Traeger, Robert L. Sah, Koichi Masuda, Deborah Watson, Russell Fernandes
Facet Orientation and Bone Shape Differs Among Cavus, Neutral and Planus Feet
Kramer J. Wahlberg, Bruce J. Sangeorzan, Quoc-Bao D. Vu, Michael J. Fassbind, John R. Bucholtz, William R. Ledoux