Second BioSkills Workshop Co-Hosted with Nth Dimensions is a Success

The Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine co-hosted our second bio-skills event with Nth Dimensions on Friday, October 14.

We had a fantastic showing of students of various levels interested in learing more about orthopaedic surgery. Dr. Letitia Bradford of Nth Dimensions addressed the students and discussed eliminating health disparities through diversity. Students also particpated in orthopaedic bio-skills labs and a Q&A session with our faculty and residents. 

The Bioskills workshop is intended to increase awareness of orthopaedics as a specialty through surgeon led lectures and hands-on workshops. These sessions expose students to the field of orthopaedics early in their medical and undergraduate school matriculation while supporting Nth Dimension's mission to address the dearth of women and underrepresented minorities (URMs) in orthopaedic surgery and eliminate healthcare disparities for all communities.

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