FREE Bioskills Workshop, September 27!

On Friday evening, September 27, our department, in partnership with Nth Dimensions, will host our first Clinical Correlations and Bioskills Workshop for medical and undergraduate students at UWMCThe evening will begin with an academic lecture followed by hands-on experience in which students will rotate to a series of lab stations equipped with orthopaedic instruments, tools, and sawbones. This is an exciting program and an excellent opportunity to interact with and inspire future surgeons. 

Nth Dimensions is non-profit organization, founded in 2004 by orthopaedic surgeons working collaboratively with academic institutions, community surgeons, and industry to address theshortage of women and underrepresented minorities (URMs) in our field. They have a proven track record of exposing first-year medical students to clinical experiences  and successfully guiding them through the process of becoming successful residents in highly competitive programs.

For more information and to resister please goto:University of Washington Bioskills Flyer.pdf
