FishBone- Advancing the Use of Fish for Skeletal Research Workshop! October 8, 2015

Zebrafish, medaka, and other lab­o­ra­tory fish mod­els hold unique poten­tial to open ‎pow­er­ful avenues for skele­tal research that are chal­leng­ing in other ver­te­brate sys­tems. How­ever, ‎despite this poten­tial, the use of fish mod­els for bone bio­med­ical research has yet to be widely estab­lished. To this end, we are pleased to announce Fish­Bone, an inter­na­tional work­shop ded­i­cated to advanc­ing lab­o­ra­tory fish mod­els for skele­tal research. Fish­Bone 2015 will be held on Octo­ber 8th, 2015, the day prior to the start ‎of the Annual Meet­ing of the Amer­i­can Soci­ety for Bone and Min­eral Research (ASBMR). The work­shop will take place at Har­borview Med­ical Cen­ter (10 minute ‎walk from the ASBMR con­fer­ence center). 

For more information and registration please visit
