Complex Proximal Femur Fractures
Fractures of the upper end of the thigh bone are referred to as 'proximal femur fractures' or 'hip fractures' in medical terms. Professor Thomas Ruedi, Professor Emeritus from the University of Basel in Switzerland, is considered one of the pioneers in the assessment and categorization of subtrochanteric fractures, which are injuries that disrupt the thighbone just below the hip joint. His unique perspective provides an unparalleled overview of the insights Orthopaedic surgeons have gained over the last 30 years. Dr. Lisa Taitsman, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine at Harborview Medical Center then provides a discussion of newer technological advances in management of these challenging injuries.
Dr. Thomas Ruedi, University of Basel
Dr. Lisa Taitsman, UW Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine